Home > Latest News > Business News > Humber Business Week announces big reveal of programme for its 21st year

Humber Business Week announces big reveal of programme for its 21st year


3/4/2025 9:46:01 AM

Business News

4 mins read

Humber Business Week will kick off the celebrations next month with the official launch of the programme of events for its milestone 21st year.


Biz Week organisers will make the region’s business community the stars of the show when they take over Hull Truck Theatre on Thursday 10 April to announce the activities which will take place across both banks of the Humber during the first week of June.


The packed schedule will offer an array of opportunities for learning, sharing, celebrating and socialising all under the Biz Week banner of “Bridging Business, Showcasing Excellence”.


Pat Coyle, chair of Humber Business Week and Director of Marketing and Client Relations at Rollits LLP, said the schedule is already filling up with organisations submitting details of their events and with groups and individuals booking early to secure their places.


Pat said: “People have already snapped up more than 20 tables for the Monday lunch at the MKM Stadium – traditionally a highlight of the opening day along with the Bondholder breakfast briefing, which will also be back.


“Hull City Council will again hold a business breakfast which should be of interest to anyone involved with business in and around the city. After the success of its fantastic awards night HullBID can now turn its attention to its Inspiring People dinner, another highlight of Biz Week.


“The Business Day is playing a key role in Biz Week from start to finish – sponsoring the drinks for the launch event at Hull Truck Theatre and bringing down the curtain on Biz Week itself with another big-name speaker when Piers Morgan takes the stage at Bridlington Spa.


“At Rollits we’ll be announcing the venue soon for an event on Tuesday exploring the issues around unconscious bias in the workplace and many more events are promised from stakeholders including Andrew Jackson Solicitors, East Riding Council, The University of Hull and the Business Growth Skills Hub.


“We’re conscious that business doesn’t recognise geographical boundaries and one thing we’ll be doing this year is having an even stronger push on the south bank with the help of key supporters including Forrester Boyd, Business Hive, The TEC Partnership, CATCH and Anne Tate at the Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce.”


The programme launch will take place from 5pm until 6.30pm with guests invited to bring a buddy and find out what the business community is planning and how Humber Business Week can help them to gain fresh insights, expand their networks and celebrate the region.


Events which are submitted by Tuesday 1 April will be posted on the website in time for the launch event. Anyone inspired to host their own event after seeing the exclusive programme reveal can still claim a place in the official schedule if they register by Friday 23 May.


Pat said: “The website is up and running and is the best way for organisers to post their events and for people to register to attend. If anyone thinks we’re missing something and a particular subject or theme is not being covered then why not host your own event? We’ll provide guidance and support on the best way to do that and on how to make an impact.


“Whether you’re a startup founder, an SME on the rise, or part of a multinational team, this is your week to connect, learn, be inspired and be a part of 21 years of Humber Business Week, the region’s most remarkable celebration of business, innovation, and collaboration. 


“The programme launch is more than just a preview of events – it’s an invitation to shape the future of business in the Humber. Together, we’ll champion a vision of the Humber as a thriving hub where economic prosperity, social wellbeing, and environmental responsibility intersect. Let’s open the doors wider and make this the most inclusive, dynamic Humber Business Week yet!”


Humber Business Week will take place from Monday 2 June until Friday 6 June. To find out more visit https://humberbusinessweek.co.uk/ 


The official programme launch will take place at Hull Truck Theatre from 5pm until 6.30pm on Thursday 10 April. To register visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bridging-business-showcasing-excellence-tickets-1224779621819

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