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Investment at Hull law firm confirms commitment to city centre working


11/19/2024 10:09:45 AM

Williamsons Solicitors has invested in its Hull head office and wider business as it looks to future growth.


The firm, which is one of the largest in East Yorkshire, believes that its city centre location in Hull’s Old Town has been a considerable factor in retaining and growing its private client base and attracting talent. 


Capital investment in energy efficiency, along with financing significant IT and marketing projects, has secured the future of the Lowgate premises, while ensuring that the business maintains its competitive edge and clients receive an efficient and secure service.


With grant support from Hull City Council’s Hull Business Energy Efficiency Scheme, a government scheme which assists SMEs to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions, two new entrance doors and 66 energy efficient windows have been installed to replace former single glazed aluminium framed windows. In addition, lighting in the building has been upgraded to time-sensor LEDs and extensive work on the roof has been completed.


A rolling programme of IT upgrades and hardware replacements has been implemented with part funding from a government Business Growth Grant, to create a resilient, future-poof infrastructure and optimise its service to the people of East Yorkshire. 


Meanwhile, investment in marketing includes new signage at the Lowgate premises and a new website.


Sarah Clubley, a Williamsons Solicitors owner director, said: “We remain firmly committed to our Old Town home, believing it helps create a vibrant city and future prosperity. Proximity to the courts, access to public transport and the numerous benefits a city centre has to offer makes it hugely popular with staff and clients.


“The substantial capital investment means our 1970s Lowgate building is fit for future decades, lowers our carbon emissions and makes a more comfortable working environment.”


She said that the firms IT systems require ongoing investment along with periodical major upgrades. “We work in a highly regulated and competitive sector of business, so investment like this is essential to ensure compliance and to assist our employees to give high levels of service. 


“We are also very pleased with our new signage and website, the latter of which is a culmination of many months of work.”


Williamsons Solicitors has operated from Lowgate since 1998. The 134-year-old firm has additional branches in Driffield and Bridlington ensuring representation for clients around the wider region.

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